Weekly Update
Week 1
This week:
This week we gathered some background research on the product given which was butter.
Arwa: The area I researched this week was the uses of butter and the improvements associated with the manufacturing of butter in the past century.
Matthew: The area I researched was the process of making butter and the transportation of butter domestically and internationally.
Zoe: This week I was researching the materials used to make butter and the availability of these. I also researched the possible substitutes of butter.
Next week:
We will split the overall process in manufacturing butter into three parts to source information for stage 1.
Week 2
This week:
This week we split the research in three parts and designated specific areas to each group member for stage 1.
Matthew: The area that I was researching this week was the grass produced on dairy farms and the cows that inhabit these dairy farms.
Arwa: The area I was designated and researched was the process of milking, pasteurization of milk and the exports/customers butter goes to.
Zoe: The area I was designated was the butter process itself and the transportation of butter.
Next week:
Next week we will do further research and start on the overview of our individual areas, produce SIPOC and process flow diagrams and also develop our webpage.
Week 3
This week:
This week we did further research on our given area and completed the draft copy for the SIPOC and process flow diagrams. The webpage was developed and basic outline for stage 1 on the web page was produced.
Matthew: This week I continued on my research into grasses and cows.
Arwa: I further researched the area given of milking process, process of pasteurisation and the exporting/ customers of butter and started writing an overview.
Zoe: I was looking into the process of butter production and familiarizing myself with the machinery needed for it. I also looked into the conditions for transporting butter overseas and how they manage that. This week I started writing an overview.
Next week:
Next week we will produce a project charter and a page on the history of the development of butter production. All information will be put together on our webpage ready to submit stage 1.
Week 4:
This week:
This week all component of stage one was completed and uploaded to the webpage.
Matthew: This week i completed my technical areas on grasses and cows. I also wrote up my references
Arwa: This week I completed my individual sections on milk processing, pasteurisation and the market for butter. I did my references also.
Zoe: This week I completed my individual section on butter production and transporting butter. Did references and edited the web page.
Next week:
Stage one will be submitted and starting on stage two by brainstorming ideas relevant to future challenges.
Week 5:
This week:
This week ideas were brainstormed for the future challenges that may be associated with the production of butter. The list of ideas were then in split in three key areas. Each group member then received one of these area to research.
Arwa: The area I will focus on and research for future challenges is supply of oil for transport of butter or material associated with production of butter, trend in population of new zealand, pests and diseases, change in climate that may affect the growth of grass which cows eat and shift from cows milk to other forms of it such as artificial milk.
Zoe: The topic I will focus on and research is customers, and looking at the exchange rates of the New Zealand dollar. Also focusing on the competition within NZ and outside of NZ. My topic also covers the possible conflicts around the world that may affect the production of butter.
Matthew: The area that i am focusing on for stage 3 is the butter production processes, focusing on the Fritz and Ammix processes but also the possibility of a new process. Also water efficiency in New Zealand, transport; the possibility of dairy production being moved overseas and also improving technology in the future, especially with milking cows.
Next week:
Next week research will be conducted in these specific areas.
Week 6:
This week:
Individual Research for stage 2 was conducted and the webpage was updated from the feedback that was received in class.
Arwa: This week I started researching my individual area for stage 2 and found some sources on pest and diseases, climate population of nz, oil supply, and Artificial milk.
Matthew: This week i researched my individual topics for stage 2 including the amount of water used by Fonterra yearly. The butter processes, both Ammix and Fritz, the transportation of butter and how robots are used in some scenarios already which boasts well for the future.
Zoe: This week I started researching about the exchange rates and started a plan for how I would set up my individual webpages.
Next week:
Further research will be conducted on the individual topics and the charter will be updated.
Mid semester break week 1
This week:
Individual research for stage 2 was continued and the project charter was updated.
Arwa: This week i continued to research information for stage 2 on oil supply, NZ population and climate change/Pests and diseases.
Matthew: This week i continued to research my technical areas for stage 2. Which included butter production, water efficiency, transport and improvement of technology.
Zoe: This week I continues researching the exchange rates and further economical challenges, and started researching the consumer/market side of things.
Next week:
Next week we will complete stage 2 and upload it onto the website. we will also make final touches to the website for stage 2.
Mid semester break week 2
This week:
Stage 2 was completed and we worked on improving the website.
Arwa: This week I completed the future challenges on climate change, NZ population, artificial milk and oil production. I uploaded this onto the website and submitted stage 2 for marking.
Matthew: This week I completed Stage 2 on Future Challenges. This included Improvements in Technology, Butter Processes and Water Efficiency.
Zoe: This week I finalised my individual future challenges on economy and markets/consumers. Made some changes onto the website, and edited my industry overview pages from the feedback given.
Next week:
Next week we will choose the future challenges that we will create solutions for. A plan for stage 3 will also be put in place.
Week 7
This week:
This week we discussed and chose the 3 most important future challenges.
Arwa: I generated ideas for the future challenge i am focusing on, which is the transport between dairy farms and dairy facilities that produce butter.
Matthew: I generated ideas for Stage 3. This included choosing my problem that I am focusing on. Which is Thermal Stress on Cows.
Zoe: I decided on the area I will look into which is the transport between NZ to the importing countries.
Next week:
Next week we will work on our website based on the feedback given. We will continue on idea generation and decide on the most important ideas.
Week 8
This week:
This week we generated ideas for potential solutions for our individual problems.
Arwa: This week I continued generating ideas for transport between dairy farms and dairy facilities.The criteria for scanning down these ideas was also produced.
Zoe: This week I began to generate ideas regarding the transport of the butter from the dairy plants to the overseas countries using the techniques from Engineering Your Future.
Matthew: This week I started to generate ideas for my problem which is the thermal stress on cows. This included thinknig about a PFD diagram.
Next week:
Next week we will screen down our ideas to the top 2-3 and sketch and/or including Process flow diagrams.
Week 9:
This week:
This week ideas were screened and sketches for the top ideas were drawn. the final solution was then decided.
Arwa:This week I selected my top two ideas by a selection criteria which were the magvel train and large flying fox and produced sketches for these. I made another selection criteria for these and decided on my final solution which is the magvel train.
Matthew:This week I generated my ideas and weighed them against my specific criteria. I then picked my top three ideas and began to sketch my ideas. I then decided to devise a plan to help keep on track until the design report is due.
Zoe: This week I prepared for the project meeting and tried to decide on my final solution.
Next week:
Next week we will produce more sketches and drawings of our final design making desicions on the components of design such as shape/dimensions. an outline of individual design report will be produced so can receive feedback.
Week 10:
This week:
This week we began to write our reports and worked on our final designs. We discussed some ideas for the exhibition in Week 14 and how to integrate our solution on the website.
Arwa: I worked on my final design and produced a detailed design chart and worked out some dimensions. I also made an outline of my design report.
Mathew: I weighed my three best solutions against my criteria and obtained my best solution. I then started to work on my final solution. Sketching in more detail.
Zoe: I drafted the outline of my report this week, decided on my final solution and began my final technical drawing.
Next week:
Next week we will be finishing off our final design and producing the final copy of the design report. We will decide on a plan for the exhibition and how to integrate our solution.
Week 11:
This week:
This week the final individual design report was completed. A plan for the exhibition and how to integrate the solution was put in place.
Arwa: I created a CAD drawing of my final design. I then wrote up my final design report and edited it.
Matthew:This week I completed my design report which included writing up my timeline and drawing up my final solution.
Zoe: This week I completed my technical drawings and wrote up and edited my final design report.
Next Week:
Next week the design report will be submitted. we will integrate our solution and upload on to the webpage. Poster for the exhibition will be created.
Week 12:
This week:
This week the design reports were submitted. The solutions to our problems were integrated by a flow diagram on our website. The exhibition was discusses and started making a poster. No individual group was done in this week, only group work.
Next week:
Next week the poster will be finished, ready for exhibition.